Classes & Workshops
All classes & workshops are held at my spacious home studio in Holyoke, MA
Energy & Reiki |
This workshop is an opportunity for an adult and child to come together to explore “What is energy?” through fun-filled activities and conversation. The morning activities explore the five senses to discover what feels balanced or unbalanced to each participant, then lead into afternoon activities that explore and explain the energy wheels in our bodies, our chakras, and how these energies keep us in balance. Reiki energy is also introduced at this time. The purpose is to create a shared awareness that life situations have different energies behind them, and when we are aware of the feeling of these balanced and unbalanced energies, we can work with them to create a healthy level of personal balance. The workshop will close with a Reiki I attunement for each participant, adult and child alike, and a certificate of completion for ENERGY & REIKI will be provided. Bring a lunch and a snack, and weather permitting, we will step outside for a short play break at the playground across the street!
$125.00 |
Reiki Circle |
Reiki certified Practitioners are invited to come to give and receive Reiki energy with fellow Practitioners. Each circle opens with a meditation and then the exchange of energy begins! Light refreshments are served and the group closes with a sweet, Wish Circle. This is a great opportunity for all levels of Practitioners to either jump back into doing Reiki or for others to support their Reiki practice. Either way, the receiving and giving in the Reiki Circle supports you in more ways than you can imagine.
Introduction to the Akashic Records |
An introductory class to reading the Akashic Records with Linda Howe's, Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records. This class will assist participants in understanding the advantages of using the Akashic Records for personal growth and the growth of others. Participants will also learn and practice how to open the Akashic Records through the Pathway Prayer Process.
"...As such, the Records are an experiential body of knowledge that contains everything that every soul has ever thought, said, and done over the course of its existence, as well as, all its future possibilities." - *How to Read the Akashic Records-- Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey by Linda Howe.
*Required Reading
"...As such, the Records are an experiential body of knowledge that contains everything that every soul has ever thought, said, and done over the course of its existence, as well as, all its future possibilities." - *How to Read the Akashic Records-- Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey by Linda Howe.
*Required Reading
Angels, Archangels &
This introductory workshop incorporates knowledge from Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy, Angel Oracle cards, and Archangels & Ascended Masters so participants can begin or continue to involve angels in their current lifestyles. Each participant will be provided with a number of angelic healing skills that can be used in their personal practice and each will choose a particular archangel in which they will explore and be able to use outside the class in a manner they choose.
Revving Up Your Reiki |
Ready to take your Reiki to another level? For Reiki II and Reiki Masters, this is a chance to add a bit of a personal twist to your practice. Exploring the use of adding crystals, oils, music and colors to your Lightworkers touch will allow you to go a little "deeper" for your own self-care, as well as, the care of others. Join me and add something new to your Reiki practice!